Hi there! I am

Fadhilah Margi Pertiwi

Web Developer and EEPIS's student

"Creativity make Reality"

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About Me

Web Developer & Student

    Hello, My name is Fadhilah Margi Pertiwi. I was born in Magetan, on April 7 2004. I come from Senior High School 1 Maospati, Magetan. I am a Web Developer and also a student majoring in Informatics Engineering, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS).
    I am interested in web programming because I can express my creativity on a web, especially web design. I'm also working on data science. I am a person who never gives up, and easy to get along with new people.

"Don't let other people limit your creativity. Be the best version of yourself"

Dowload CV in here


This is a page that contains experience from projects that have been made, achievements, training, certification or organizational experience.

"This is my first web profile, as a web design workshop course assignment"

"This is a web of feedback"

"This is my first web profile, as a web design workshop course assignment"

"Become a D3 Informatics Engineering student, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS)"

"Become an operator or editor in the Webinar : Why Mental and Physical Health in IT is Important?"

"Member of the EEPIS English Community (E2C)"

"Participated in Bidikmisi Management Training 2022, at Lawang Adventure Camp, Malang"

"Participated in Student Management Skills Training activities, EEPIS 2022. This is documentation as the group winner"

"Member of the Web development community"

"Become the MC in the class 12 Istigosah event, Senior High School 1 Maospati"

"This is the certificate of the committee of the Formasi organization, Senior High School 1 Maospati"

"Become the MC in the MPLS event, Senior High School 1 Maospati"


If you are interested in me and want to cooperate. Contact me below!